Exporting IP Addresses

This guide walks you through exporting IP Addresses in LightMesh. IP Assignments represent an allocated resource or network interface, and can be associated with DNS entries and Reservations.

1. Introduction

Learn to navigate to the desired subnet, access the main menu, locate the IP Addresses section, export addresses to CSV, and streamline your workflow effectively.


2. Click on the desired subnet

Navigate to the desired subnet.

Click on the desired subnet

3. Click “IP Addresses”

Access the IP Addresses section

Click ‘IP Addresses’

4. Fill “ip-addresses”

Fill in “ip-addresses”

Fill ‘ip-addresses’

5. Click here

Navigate to the export function

Click here

6. Click “Export to CSV”

Export the IP addresses to a CSV file

Click ‘Export to CSV’

Alternatively, you can choose Copy to Clipboard to copy the IP addresses data in a tabular format. You can then paste this data into applications like Teams or Slack to share it with others.

Copy-to-Clipboard Export

Note: The Export/Copy to Clipboard feature is available only to Users with Owner access.

This guide walks you through exporting IP addresses in Lightmesh