Lightmesh Scan documentation


The Scan feature in LightMesh allows users to upload scan results in two formats: NMAP XML files and Excel files. This feature enables easy importation of IP addresses and associated data from scans into LightMesh.

Steps to Upload Scan Files

  1. Navigate to Subnet:

    • Open the App and navigate to the desired subnet.
  2. Select Scans Tab:

    • From the header, select the Scans tab.
  3. Click Scan Button:

    • Click on the Scan button to initiate the upload process.

Uploading NMAP XML Files

  1. Select File Type:

    • Choose the file type as NMAP from the dropdown menu.
  2. Download Example File:

    • Click the “Download Example File” link to view the required format for the NMAP XML file. This file provides a template for the expected structure.
  3. Upload File:

    • Click on the “Upload File” button and select your NMAP XML file from your local directory.
  4. Processing:

    • Once the file is uploaded, Click Scan button and LightMesh will process the XML data and extract the IP addresses and related information.
  5. Completion:

    • After successful processing, The Scans page will show the results of scan and the imported data will be displayed in the IP addresses section of subnet.

Uploading Excel Files

  1. Select File Type:

    • Choose the file type as Excel from the dropdown menu.
  2. Download Example File:

    • Click the “Download Example File” link to view the required format for the Excel file. This file provides a template for the expected structure.
  3. Upload File:

    • Click on the “Upload File” button and select your Excel file from your local directory.
  4. Processing:

    • Once the file is uploaded, Click Scan button and LightMesh will process the Excel data and extract the IP addresses and related information.
  5. Completion:

    • After successful processing, The Scans page will show the results of scan and the imported data will be displayed in the IP addresses section of LightMesh.

File Format Details


  • The NMAP XML file should follow the standard NMAP output format.
  • Example structure:
      <host><status state="up" reason="arp-response" reason_ttl="0"/>
      <address addr="" addrtype="ipv4"/>
      <address addr="D4:E2:CB:4D:8F:5B" addrtype="mac" vendor="Vantiva USA"/>
      <times srtt="16574" rttvar="15933" to="100000"/>

Excel File

  • The Excel file can contain the following columns:
    • Network Address (Required): The IP address discovered in the scan.
    • DNS Record Type (Optional): Type of DNS record (e.g., A, AAAA, CNAME).
    • DNS Record (Optional)(Optional): The DNS record associated with the IP address.
    • DNS Record TTL (Optional): Time to Live for the DNS record.
    • Hostname (Optional): The hostname associated with the IP address.
    • Resource Type (Optional): Type of resource (e.g., Server, Printer).
    • Mac Address (Optional): The MAC address of the device.
    • Interface (Optional): Network interface associated with the IP address.
    • Direction (Optional): Direction of the connection (e.g., Inbound, Outbound).
    • Reservation (Optional): Reservation status of the IP address.
  • Example structure:
IP Address DNS Record Type DNS Record DNS Record TTL Hostname Resource Type Mac Address Interface Direction Reservation A 3600 host1 Server 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5E eth0 User-facing Network Devices AAAA 7200 host2 Printer 00:1A:2B:3C:4D:5F eth1 Management DHCP

Example File Downloads

To assist users in preparing their files correctly, example files are provided: